Between work and family demands, stress placed upon a person taking care of elderly parents may affect the caregiver’s physical and mental health. In fact, caregiver-related stress increases mortality rate by a shocking 63 percent compared to a peer who may not have these pressures in their life. A caregiver always wants to provide for their elderly relative to the best of their ability, but you have to be at your best self in order to do so.
Caregiver stress may manifest itself in some of the following ways:
- Depression
- Loss of concentration
- Insomnia
- Susceptibility to cold and flu
You cannot provide optimal care for someone if you are not well yourself. This stress can be controlled by prioritizing your health, creating a routine and asking for help when you need it.
You should be able to identify any of these 10 signs of caregiver stress within yourself and utilize these strategies to control the symptoms.