Pradaxa, which is also known as Dabigatran, is an anticoagulant medication used in the prevention of strokes and blood clots. It is typically intended for patients who suffer from atrial fibrillation, a condition characterized by an irregular heart rate. The prescription may also be offered to patients with deep vein thrombosis or a pulmonary embolism. Pradaxa works by inhibiting thrombin in the blood stream, thereby preventing clots that can cause serious health issues. However, some patients may experience severe side effects and medical complications while taking the drug.
Pradaxa Side Effects
Patients who are taking Pradaxa should be aware of the serious side effects associated with the product, such as:
Allergic reaction symptoms (hives, breathing difficulties, and swelling)
Spinal blood clot symptoms (muscle weakness, incontinence, back pain)
Excessive or prolonged bleeding
Dizzy spells
Red spots beneath the skin
Irregularly colored urine
Irregular stools
Joint pain and/or swelling
Heavy menstrual periods
The most serious Pradaxa side effects involve blood loss, such as coughing up blood or the inability for blood to clot after sustaining an injury. If any complications occur, patients should seek the help of a medical professional as quickly as possible.
Pradaxa Lawsuits
Two years after going onto the market, patients and their families alleged that Pradaxa was responsible for over 500 deaths. Most of these allegations cited hemorrhaging and uncontrollable bleeding as the cause of the death. Boehringer Ingelheim, the manufacturer of Pradaxa, settled at least 4,000 of these cases in May of 2014, though they did cite that they were not at fault within the settlement agreement. Some reports also suggest that Boehringer Ingelheim withheld important safety information that could have saved lives, such as the need for frequent blood testing to monitor patient’s levels.
Patients who are using this medication and have experienced any adverse reactions can speak with an experienced legal professional to determine their rights. In some cases, individuals may be eligible for compensation, such as lost wages, medical bills, and other fees related to Pradaxa-related complications.