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Though many people can continue driving safely well into their golden years, seniors face several factors that put them at greater risk for collisions. Hearing loss, visual impairment, dementia and other conditions can all greatly affect an elderly driver’s ability to operate a vehicle safely.

Taking the Keys Away

When an elderly driver’s reflexes have declined, family members need to take the keys away. Seniors over the age of 70 are more likely than young drivers to be injured or hospitalized in the event of a car crash. If a senior driver is startled by other cars, changing lanes erratically or getting lost on familiar roads, it’s time to talk with him or her about alternative means of transportation. Before approaching your loved one, be sure to prepare an action plan and show empathy toward his or her situation.

Understanding Possible Liabilities

The safety of your loved one and other drivers should always be your first concern, but it’s also important to keep possible liabilities in mind. Generally, adult children aren’t legally responsible for accidents caused by elderly parents. However, you could face liability for your mother or father if you have a conservatorship. Laws differ from state to state, and a lawyer in Buffalo, NY can help you determine your responsibility.

Seniors could also face lawsuits that aren’t covered by their insurance policies if someone can prove that the driver knew he or she shouldn’t be on the road. If your loved one is reluctant to give up the keys, consult with a Brown Chiari attorney in Buffalo, NY for legal advice that could persuade them.

Helping Seniors Stay Active

For many elderly motorists, driving provides an important measure of freedom and a sense of independence. Driving is also convenient and gives seniors the flexibility to set their own schedules. It’s essential for loved ones to come up with new ways for elderly drivers to stay active. Spread out driving shifts among family members or arrange for a personal taxi service. By helping loved ones continue to reach their favorite places, you can ensure that their senior years are spent actively.

Personal injury lawyers in New York know the statistics. During 2009, eight teenagers between 16 and 19 years old died every day from injuries sustained in motor vehicle accidents.

There are a few obvious reasons why teen drivers are four times more likely to have a collision than older drivers. Inexperienced drivers have more crashes in their first year of driving than at any other time. When teens ride together, the risk increases. Teen drivers are far less likely to wear seatbelts. Teens are also more likely to drive while they’re distracted. Eating, adjusting the radio, talking to friends or texting can all cause teen drivers to lose their focus on the road. If your son or daughter has been injured in a car crash, it’s important to call an injury attorney in New York at Brown Chiari.

Parents can have a profound influence on their children’s driving habits. Talk to your children about how important it is to drive safely. Emphasize that they are responsible for their own safety, their passengers’ safety and the safety of other drivers. Explain that distractions increase the risk of an accident.

Talking is not enough, however. Parents have to set a good example for their children to follow. Make it a point to refrain from using your cell phone while you’re driving. New York injury lawyers would advise you to tell your children about the most dangerous driving situations for young drivers. You should also be sure to drive carefully at all times. Lead your children by your example.

Parents can also take advantage of the new “Parents Are the Key” tools and resources at cdc.gov/parentsarethekey. Have your children sign a safe driving agreement. You can also join their Facebook page for safe teen driving.

As a parent, you influence your children more than anyone else. Take advantage of your position as a trusted family member, and teach your children to drive safely by talking with them and setting a safe example.

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